Returns Information: |
To return a product, please first read through the following terms and conditions, then follow our Returns Online Procedure (RMA).
We know that you will be pleased with your purchases from Kids Wearhouse. However, there may be occasions when you will need to return items to us. With our no quibble return policy, if you are not satisfied with your purchase you can send it back to us and get a full refund, just let us know within 10 days of receiving your order.
If any items were damaged in transit, we ask that you report it to us within 7 working days (please note that this is 48 hours for our business customers). If the items are visibly damaged on receipt, it's best to sign the carrier's delivery note accordingly. Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation. Once received back into our warehouse, we'll issue a replacement or full refund to you via your original payment method and reimburse your reasonable return carriage costs.
If your items are faulty on arrival, you have 28 calendar days in which to inform us of the fault (please note that for our business customers, this is 14 calendar days). Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation. Once we have verified the fault, we'll issue a replacement or full refund to you via your original payment method and reimburse your reasonable return carriage costs. We test returned items, and if a returned item is found not to be faulty by our technicians we will return the item to you, in this instance, you will be liable for the return carriage.
If any of your purchases develop a fault, and it's more than 28 calendar days since receipt, then provided your item is within its warranty period, you are entitled to a warranty repair. In some cases, manufacturers provide a specialist full on-site service and/or telephone help facilities for your convenience which we recommend you use in order to correct the fault quickly. For business customers, all warranty repairs after 28 days of receipt are referred directly to the manufacturer ( unless otherwise stated)
Please note that our open-box (used) stock is sold with 90 calendar days warranty only, and therefore any claims under the warranty after 90 days of receipt will not be accepted.
If you have simply changed your mind about any item ordered and you wish to return it, then in line with the Distance Selling Regulations (DSR) you can do so provided you inform us of your decision within 10 days of receipt. The item must not be used and must be 'as new' when returned to us. Once you've informed us that you wish to return goods under the DSR, you have 28 calendar days to do so, at your own expense. Once the item is received at KWH, we'll issue a full refund for the product to your original payment method. Please note this policy has some limitations.
You can request a return RMA by completing our Returns Online. From here you can send us an RMA (Return Material Authorisation) Request to return any incorrectly supplied/faulty or damaged items. Our Returns Dept. will issue you with an RMA number and an address label to send the item to us for inspection.
In addition to this policy, you should also refer to our general Terms and Conditions of Sale.
What is Returns on Line and why is it better for me to use than calling you to request a return?
A. We have developed Returns online so that you can request to return something without the need to speak to one of our staff. The RMA is handled online so that your request is completed quickly, efficiently and with security in mind at all times.
I have tried to raise a request but your system tells me that I have to call someone else. Why is this?
A. In certain cases, manufacturers provide support direct to end-users. They do this for many reasons, the main one is that they would like to ensure that their customers receive the best possible support on their products. If we refer you to a manufacturer your RMA will invariably be dealt with a lot quicker.What is the best way for me to return my items to you?
A. We always advise our customers to use some form of delivery that requires a signature on delivery. The majority of items are returned to us using Royal Mail Special or Recorded Delivery.I sent my item back to you but I didn't put the Returns number on the outside of the package as you requested, will this cause a problem processing my return?
A. If there is no Returns Merchandise Authorisation number ("RMA") on the outside of the package then there is a good chance that this will lead to delays of up to 30 days in processing your return. To avoid this delay, we recommend that if you wish to return goods you first obtain an RMA number by selecting my Returns (RMA) from the help menu and following the instructions.Am I able to use returns online to report other problems or issues that I am currently having?
A. The Returns section is designed for RMA requests only. Any other queries will be deleted.I have received an incorrect item, what should I do?
A. You should raise an RMA using the Returns online and return the item to us using a traceable and insured delivery agent (e.g. Recorded Delivery or Special Delivery via Royal Mail), please enclose a proof of postage receipt and we will fully reimburse you for the cost of the returning the item(s) back to us on the understanding that the item(s) has been supplied incorrectly. Alternatively you can request that we collect the item from you using our courier, either add a note to the fault report when raising the RMA or raise an eNote if we find the item(s) have been supplied correctly a charge may be incurred for the collection.